Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The pond is covered with green algae.
Scarlett and Flossie with Oakie in the pen.

All eyes are upon you...

I was out in my yard throwing a stick for my dog, Tuff. I looked up and found that we had an audience. Brett had some heifers up and it seems that all eyes were upon us. It was such a strange feeling to have so many eyes watching I went into the house for the camera. When I returned I found them ready to be photographed.
I enjoyed the quiet that was provided by our country woods—the low hum of insects, the faint chatter of squirrels in the trees, the melodic chorus of birds and an occasional moo from the cows. Life is beautiful---down on the farm


Sue, Marci, Michelle, Iris, Jo Ann, Rachel, Carol, Katie, Julia, Maxine, Nancy
enjoying supper at Outback.

Monday night was another “Girl’s Night Out” for eleven of my friends. Nine of us packed into Maxine’s SUV and traveled to Texarkana. We picked up two on the way and made our grand entrance at Outback. We enjoyed a great meal and then went to see the exciting movie, Obsessed.
Message for the night: Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Me and my girls.
Big Mama's great-grandchildren

Big Mama's grandchildren

Big Mama's three daughters-Tammy, Pat and Diane
Big Mama's sister Helen on her right.
Saturday, April 25 was an exciting day for our Big Mama. We surprised her with a birthday party celebrating her 92nd birthday. All of her surviving children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren were in attendance with many other family and friends.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is how I felt at the end of the day.

The picture pretty well tells you how the past two days have gone for me. I have spent tooooo many hours having my car worked on. Yesterday they repaired the airbag problem and today they repaired a leak that was causing some electrical problems. I got a new windshield a few months back and it was leaking on the right side.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
Abraham Lincoln


A house in Cener Point that was destroyed in tornado.
Many of our pine trees were destroyed.

Dierks water treatment plant originally had two stories.

Thursday, April 9 was a terrible time in our little community. We were watching television and heard that a tornado had hit DeQueen and was headed toward us. I called my girls because they were at a birthday party and might not know about the tornado warning. They did and were headed home. They arrived, bringing with them many that were at the party. I got my radio, water, lights and phone and headed to the storm shelter with about a dozen other people.

My sweet little Madasan made sure that I got into that shelter safe and sound. She helped me all the way. We all crowded into the shelter and waited. Some that gathered did not get in the shelter at first but finally when things got pretty rough in they came. The main thing we had was wind. I think the tornado passed over our place and we got very little damage. Just a few limbs and twigs in the yard was the extent of our damage.

We were so lucky because there were so many others that were not so lucky. DeQueen was hit pretty hard. The Mena community was hit hard with three killed. The following is a quote from the Nashville radio station website:

The weather service officials say that the tornado that demolished the Dierks water treatment plant last Thursday was rated an EF3 with wind speeds of approximately 140 miles per hour. Survey teams from Shreveport were in southwest AR Saturday touring the damaged areas. They determined the tornado began in McCurtain County, OK and then moved along a thirty mile path that ended at Highway 278, about three miles north of Dierks. A report from the weather service said the storm was up to a half mile wide and was at its strongest point in Howard County when it snapped and uprooted trees at Dierks Lake along with causing heavy damage to the Corps of Engineers building and the Dierks water treatment plant. Seven injuries were reported when the tornado tracked along Highway 71 north in DeQueen. Classes in the Dierks Public School District were closed until Wednesday as city officials continued to work on improving the water pressure in town.

*taken from the Southwest AR Radio website


I have a friend that told me that my Josh Groban song was really getting on her nerves. I love that song and all this time thought everyone did but no…..not everyone. Soooooo if you are a regular blog stalker you will find that I have changed songs. I hope it is more soothing to the ear that poor old Josh’s You Raise Me Up. Enjoy, Julia!!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


This is Madasan showing out with one of her animals. This one is playing hard to lead and she doesn't like it. She is the quiet one but has her moments. By show time her animals know that she is the boss.