Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I haven’t done much blogging for a few days. Things around here have been pretty slow. I am into reading and when that happens I tend to read for days and then let my eyes rest for a while.

Madasan is still doing her barrel racing and pole bending. She won second in both at the horse show on Saturday. I just about melted while waiting for her races. They would run a few horses and then spend fifteen minutes dragging the arena, run a few more and drag it again. Slow…

Sheyanne is stressing over her Anatomy and Physiology II class that she is taking at Texarkana College this summer. She leaves here around 6:30 a.m. for her 8:00 a.m. class. She works at Western Sizzlin on Monday and Friday nights and studies in between.

Sheyanne and Zack are back together. He came up this weekend for a visit. We will see how their relationship works this round.

Life doesn’t care about what we want….just about what we need….and that is good.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


We had Vacation Bible school this week. Our theme was Riders of the Great Roundup-Saddled For His Service, Branded for His Glory. The work included the study of five great Parables (Par-a-bulls). We averaged around 62 each day from Nursery to grades 5-6. Everyone had a Yeehaaaawww good time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sheyanne had to move out of her apartment. The two weeks that she lived there she had an allergic reaction to something in the house. It became so bad that she had to go to the doctor for a shot and medication. She had a rash and severe itching all over her body. She stored her furniture in a friend's store room and came home.
She is working at Western Sizzlin two or three days per week and drives back and forth for that. She enjoys working there and really gets excited when she gets good tips.
Right now she is taking Anatomy and Physiology II at Texarkana College. She has to be in class by 8:00 a.m. so she has to get around pretty early.
When the fall semester starts at UACCH she may start looking for a new place to live but right now she is enjoying having her mom wait on her.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


The final Bunko party is always very exciting. It is not just a regular Bunko party but a BUNKO LUAU at Julia’s house. She had ten tables with four players each, around the pool and everything was decorated with lei’s, flowers, lights, etc. It was very beautiful.

Each of us brought a dish so there was an abundance of great food. We ate first and then the games were on.

We had ladies from Nashville, Mena, New Hope, Provo, Dierks, Texarkana and one from TX. (Aaron W. moved to some place in TX and I’m not sure where.)

Suzanne was the big winner and when it was announced you can see her excitement. The old cheerleader in her came out and up went her hands. Sue M. got second, Katie G. won loser and who know who got the remaining prizes. I did win a flower by having the shortest name so I guess that is something. Nancy A. had the longest name. Sue Q. had the biggest foot and Sue M. had the smallest. Julia had a prize for everyone and just the idea of winning something was a big thrill to everyone. It didn’t matter if it was the big prize or the smallest. Excitement was the flavor of the night.

Monday, June 01, 2009


Horses can be so much fun…at times. This is Madasan’s knee after being kicked by a friend’s horse. She was not looking and as she walked by this horse she kicked. She didn’t like Madasan’s horse and had shown some anger with her. She missed Scarlett and got Madasan.

Madasan couldn’t feel anything in the knee but her leg above the knee hurt. We took her to the doctor and after x-raying found there was no bad damage. The numbness was caused from the swelling. It didn’t slow her down because she ran the barrels and poles at DeQueen and Foreman over the weekend.