While there my friend, Iris, brought out her bottle of cough syrup and politely asked the waitress if she could have a spoon so she could take it. As you can see from the photo it was a humongous bottle she had tucked away in her bag.This livened the bunch up and a few times I was afraid we would be asked to get quiet.
I failed to get a group picture. I took these pictures with my phone. These gals were seated across the table from me.
On Friday I joined my girls and attended a Barrel Racing
Sheyanne won in her division and Madasan would have been second but she knocked over a barrel. They were pretty satisfied with what they learned at the clinic. They love the Reinharts and want to go to their next clinic. ( Can you believe it...I didn't get any pictures of this adventure.)
On Monday Mary, Suzanne and I had doctor's appointments in Texarkana. That was super fun but we did have a great lunch out before appointment.
Today was my daughter's birthday. She is now a big 41 years old. She was pretty excited because my nephew and his wife had their baby today.
Last but not least is the adventures my dog, Tuff, has been on this week. I worry all of the time because he must be on a chain because he wanders off and pesters the neighbors. Well he broke his chain and I just let him stay out. The first day he was gone all day and came home so dirty and smelly late that night. The next day he stayed home all day and night. Next day he left but returned pretty quick. When I left for Texarkana he wanted to go but I told him to stay home and he did. When I returned he was here. He may get into trouble but at least he is happier and so am I.
My next adventure, to look forward to, is the big Bunko Luau at Julia's in June. While waiting I guess I need to finish that Nora Robert's book...