Monday, February 21, 2011


Tuff in his happier days.
I shared Tuff's story with you in an earlier post. After the steroids were used up he returned to the terrible condition he had earlier. He was so stiff and hurt so much he could hardly walk or get up. Finally on Friday, February 11, 2011 he woke up unable to move. I called my daughter and she came and comforted him and realizing that he was suffering so much and was not going to get better we decided several hours later to call the vet and have him come and made his departure easier. Many tears were shed over this precious dog.

This is Oaky.
Madasan showing Oaky.

Oaky was a 1,900 pound Maine Anjou bull that Madasan had shown in the 2008 and 2009 show season. He won Grand Champion Bull for two years at the AR State Fair. He had been retired from the show ring and was being used as a breeding bull. He had already proven himself by being the father of many beautiful Main Anjou babies.

Tonight when we returned home from church Brett had the bad news that he found Oaky down in the little creek, behind the house, and he was dead. It appeared that he had been fighting with Oscar the bull that was retired before Oaky.

There were many tears shed around their place tonight. They get as attached to these 1,900 pound animals as much as we do our small pets. Oaky had his own personality...he only liked Madasan.

Our pet cemetery now has two beautiful bulls (Romeo and Oaky) buried beside my dog Tuff.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Following the game both teams and coaches gathered at center court for a prayer. Impressive! Yes, we still pray at our school.

The starters, the cut net and Coach Owens-all smiles.

Adriana gets sick before every game. She has done this since Peewee ball. Poor baby! She doesn't let it get to her she just grabs the trash can and then takes care of business. She is making a super good player.

Madasan loves her some basketball. She gets beat and banged up. She has bruises, blisters, corns, knots on her head, bad knees, hurt back, etc., but continues to give it her all. I counted the number of times she fell/was splattered during the district game and the number was nine. None of this slows her down.

Jr. Lady Outlaws celebrating becoming 7AA West District Champs.

Coach Harper celebrating his first District Championship as a first yr. coach. Man was he happy.

Some of the Sr. Lady Outlaws, plus friends, came prepared to cheer the team on.

Coach Harper and his District Champs.
Coach Owens and his District Champs.

Taryn, McKala and Madasan showing of plaque.

2011 District Champs from Dierks Jr. High School.

Friday, February 04, 2011


The horses playing in the snow.
Madasan's show animals
Madasan's heifer and bull were let out to enjoy the snow.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


This what I do most of the day.
I have to sit down to try and eat.

Oh no!! My eyes are the wrong color-what next?

SHE knows I don't look my handsome self and still she is taking my picture...

My name is Tuffy but SHE calls me Tuff. I came to live here around seven years ago-I can’t remember. I have had a very good life but recently I have been having some major problems. I accidentally go into a fight with a big glassed eyed dog that needed an attitude adjustment and he messed me up pretty bad but you should have seen him. SHE decided that I needed to visit the vet.

That guy was so nosy he opened my mouth and looked at my gums. He thought they were not the right color so he did blood work. I wasn’t sure just what he needed more of my blood because I had lost some as a result of the fight but he insisted. He had some lady hold me down and he stuck this humongous needle into my leg and took more or my blood. It was very painful and even as tough as I am; I let out a very low growl instead of a scream, like a sissy.

After leaving the room he soon returned with the results. He said I had a very bad disease. I had one of the worst types of tick fever. My count was up or maybe it was down I got so excited I didn’t get all that little red headed vet had to say. One thing I know is that he gave me a big shot with another humongous needle and once again I contained myself and only let out a low growl.

He treated my bleeding ear and patched me up as best he could and sent me home with some medicine. As the days went by I got over the fight with that smart-alecky glass eyed dog but the tick fever was trying to get me down. I started hurting and my body became so stiff I could hardly move. I had a fever and felt just awful so SHE decided to take me back to see the red headed vet. The sweet lady lifted me upon the examination table and it hurt so much but I was very brave. SHE comforted me because she was so worried about me and I think she really dreaded for the vet to stick me again. Sure enough, he poked me again and found that the disease was raging in my body. I was really sick and SHE gave them permission to keep me so they could try to make me better. I was so lonesome locked up in that little cage but felt so bad it didn’t really matter. I did miss SHE and I knew she was missing me and was so worried.

I stayed for three days and finally felt better. SHE called to check on me and the girls came down to visit me because that glass eyed dog also had tick fever. His was not bad like mine-lucky dog… Finally I got to go home with more medicines to take. SHE knew that I didn’t like to take pills so she started poking the pill in little pieces of wiener. I usually gobbled them up but on some days I didn’t even feel like eating anything but with a little coaxing I finally took my medicine.

When the steroids ran out I rapidly returned to being sick again. Once again I returned to the hospital for a few days. I heard the little red headed doctor say that I might not get any better. SHE was so sad. I went home again still do not feel great. I take my medicine two times per day and will taper off the steroids. I worry about what happens when I can no longer take the steroids. The little red headed doctor told SHE that he would not talk her out of giving me one of those shots that make me have no more pain and suffering. SHE hates to see me suffer so much and is having a big problem making the decision to give me that shot.

Right now I am down to about six days of the steroids. SHE will then give me another medication but I worry that it will not work like the steroids. I spend most of my time sleeping and SHE tries so hard to get me to eat. I fear that my days of running in the pasture, chasing that pesky goat, impressing SHE with my guard dog duties is about over. I no longer feel up to the challenge. One thing I do know for sure is that SHE loves me and has a big decision to make in the near future. What will it be???