Tuesday, August 09, 2011


"-soo excited about our arena!! now all that's left is lights and bucking chutes!! thank you Daddy, Masan, and Chad for working hard on putting it up, yall did good!!" This was Sheyanne's
post on FaceBook after this gang had worked all day, in 114 degree weather, to work on the arena. The girls are so pleased with their dad for getting this done. It is such a chore for them to hook up the trailer, load the horses and travel to the arena at town. Hope they enjoy it as much as they think they will.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Suzanne, Kaci and the kids waiting their turn to get in line.
Listening to Chase talk about the great ice cream.
The crowd chowing down...the preacher will start his diet again tomorrow. You notice he has two bowls of the good stuff.
The bowls are being filled with peach, vanilla, strawberry, etc.
First in line to sample nine freezers of delicious ice cream. Another table contained the cookies, pies, cakes, etc. Good eating time!

I made every effort to be very careful about what I ate tonight. I took watermelon for my enjoyment because I had attended a baby shower in the afternoon and had already indulged in some sweet treats. After all my good planning... Linda told me she had sugar free ice cream and Suzanne brought a sugar free pie so I decided the damage would not be to serious. I asked Linda for specific directions to her freezer of sugar free ice cream. She said the first blue one on the right side of the table. Well I dug in. I had one large heaping spoonful of her delicious sugar free peach ice cream, a small piece of the sugar free pie and some of my watermelon. I was doing a very good job of taking care of my little diabetes problem.

As we were packing up to leave I noticed that Linda's husband was taking the wrong freezer to his car. I also noticed that Wanda was packing up the blue freezer on the right with the remains of her not so sugar free peach ice cream. You know on the right means something completely different depending on which end of the table you are standing. I had eaten the good stuff and really thought Linda did a great job with the sugar free stuff. She had told me it was as near sugar free as she could make it so I decided I needed her recipe. Now I am wondering just how insulin I will need at bed time tonight.

We had a good crowd and everyone enjoyed the ice cream and the fellowship with each other. I saw one handsome young man, young to me but probably in his fifties, enjoy four heaping bowls of the good stuff...but who is counting???

Thursday, August 04, 2011


This is Madasan and Ishmael running in the Grannis Rodeo.
Sheyanne and Casey are back together.

Suzanne is down 30 pounds on her FirstFitness Program. She is so excited about her loss she has decided to sell it to anyone that is interested.