Saturday, December 15, 2012


 What a night! Our church group enjoyed a trip to see the Garvan Woodland Garden Christmas lights on Tuesday night. We took 38 people and their ages ranged from 15 months to 90 years old. The children were amazed by the 2 million lights and the seniors enjoyed the lights as they traveled over the seventeen acre estate in their carts. We had a really fun group and decided that a white-water rafting trip would be our next adventure. We decided that we could handle it.  (just teasing...we did good to get in our carts.)

Tonight was so much fun! We had 35 children and adults ride on the Christmas float in the annual Christmas Parade. Lots of laughing, singing and good ole' fashion fun...reminds me of the Oak Ridge boys song "Thank God for Kids". The song says its seems the nearest thing to heaven is a child and nights like tonight sure seem perfect. We thank god for our kids!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I was privileged to have around 35 Howards for supper at my house for Thanksgiving. What a crowd and what fun to gather with family and enjoy a great feast. We were so thankful to be able to gather with family, enjoy the time together and enjoy the wonderful food that we all enjoy so much. Family favorites are always prepared. Jo makes the turkey and dressing plus the batter fried turkey breast. Jeanna makes the broccoli and rice casserole. Then there is always Mexican cornbread, Cherry Crunch Cake, pecan pie, ham and so much more.  
This is Thomas's daughter, Sonia and her family. Her husband, Kevin and their sons, Hunter and Tyler.
 This is Wes and his new bride, Sidney. Wes is the town's accountant and Sidney is doing her practice teaching in English at Nashville HIgh School. They are living in our old home place just outside of Dierks.
 This is Danny's oldest son, Jon. Jon and Janna have four children. Klair was on a school trip and missed the big gathering. From left to right: Josh, Kelli, Jon, Janna and Eli.
 This is Jim and Wanda Lloyd. Jim and Wanda moved in with my dad while they built their new house. When it was finished and they moved in my dad moved in with them. He lived with them until Wanda had a wreck and he had to do something else. We wanted him to move in with one of us but he refused. He went to the nursing home and remained there until his death.
 I had four brothers and these two remain. This is Ronnie and Richard. Ronnie had a stroke and has difficulty walking. He also has some vision problems which hinder his ability to drive. They are both big strong men that suffer from the complications of diabetes.
 This is Richard and his family. He has two daughters, Anna and Alicia. Anna just recently got married to Jeffery Jordan. His wife is Jeanna and his granddaughter is Ayden.
This is Ronnie and part of his family. Ronnie and Jo have one son and one daughter, Michael and Dana. Dana and her family live in Dallas, TX and were not here for Thanksgiving. They also have two foster children Sammy and Shelbie. From left to right: Christian (son of Shelbie), Michael, Joanna, Jo, Ronnie and Halton.

We didn't get a picture of Suzanne and her family. This is her oldest, Sheyanne with her boyfriend, Daniel.


I just couldn't let the season go by and leave this picture out of my blog. It just came in today so I thought I would just add it to my collection. There is one similar that was taken but this was the official photo taken for the Grand Champion Main Anjou Bull and the AR Champion Bull at the Arkansas State Fair in 2012. This is Madasan showing off Louie and the proud Mama holding the awards. It was a good year for Louie and Madasan. Louie won Grand Champion in the Howard County Fair, The District Fair, 4-States Fair and finally the Arkansas State Fair. I would call him a Champion for all of his efforts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Madasan bought Black Beauty and has trained her to run the barrels. She is progressing quite well and Madasan is so proud of her accomplishments with her. They were at a barrel race at Grannis on a Sunday afternoon.


The Lady Outlaws started their season in a tournament over at OBU in Arkadelphia. They won some and lost some but the big win that they were so proud of was defeating the Lady Scrappers.  Once again they went to Nashville and defeated them overtime with a five point lead. Happy time in Dierks when we beat the Scrappers. (Madasan is number 22.)    * photo taken from Southwest AR Radio site.

Thursday, November 08, 2012


This is a new memorial that was added to Ayer's Field. One of the former Outlaws picked up rocks from the destruction of the old school building. He had no idea just what he would do with a truck load of rocks but just the same he picked them up. Finally the idea came to build a monument at the football field with the rocks.  Several of the guys got together and planned the monument, the plaque, the basic design and finally got to work and built it. 

This is part of the old rock school building that held such fond memories for so many of us. It was built during World War II. Much of the building material was used and the rocks were gathered in an effort to save money in the building of the new school. No matter what materials were used we loved that old school building and hated to see it destroyed. It is nice that some of the rock remain and a reminder of the past.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


 This is the father of the bride, Richard and his granddaughter, Ayden. Ayden stole the show. Richard is my baby brother. He is eighteen years younger than me.
 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery David Jordan and party.
 Checking our e-mail while waiting to get into Outback.
While waiting to be served they brought out tuna marinated in some gosh awful tasting stuff. We didn't like it.

 We were just leaving my niece's wedding. Anna, Richard's daughter, got married at Fordyce Ricks Estate in Hot Springs.
 Sheyanne in her see through pants and red shoes.
 This is Anna. She was a beautiful bride and had a beautiful wedding.
 Sheyanne is getting good at this up close and personal photography. She thinks because they show their teeth in their Hollywood smiles that I should. She always says, "Show your teeth, Nonna!" I don't smile like them and can't show my teeth. This is an attempt.
Believe it or season has started. Madasan is the one in blue that it trying to shoot the ball. They were playing in a tournament at OBU.

Friday, November 02, 2012


 The 2012 DHS Homecoming Court
 The Jr. Class Outlaw football players that selected Madasan as the Jr. Football Maid.
 Austin Walston was Madasan's excort.
 Madasan and her dad, Brett.
 Madasan looking so beautiful in her special blue dress.
 Madasan and Austin at the P.M. Ceremony.
 Madasan and Remington "Rem" Jester. He broke his ankle in the Mineral Springs game and will need to wear the cast for around three months.
 The proud parents, Suzanne and Brett.
 Friends, Mikayla and Adrianna, snapping another picture.
 Madasan and "Rem".
 Mad and her simple "do".
 Sheyanne and Madasan cheesing it up.
 Nonna giving the good luck kiss to her granddaughter.
 The Homecoming Court at Ayer's Field.
 Queen: Whitney Bennett
Captains: Remington Jester and Kirby Allen
Attendants: Ally Hogg and Andrew Mack
 Left to Right: Mikayla Feemster-Jr. Class Maid; Madasan Muse-Jr. Class Football Maid; Sarah Cothren-Sr. Football Maid; Caitlin Lites-Maid of Honor; Whitney Bennett-Queen; Whittney Sutton-Sr. Class Maid; Adriana Walston-Soph. Class Maid; Kaitlin Kitchens-Soph. Football Maid.

Sunday, October 07, 2012


The three rays of sunlight in my life. How about those beautiful blue eyes.
 This is the mama of my two grands. She just got a new doooo!
 The professional college student with her two babies. Polly and Abel.

Sheyanne's first day to observe. She is with college friends.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

 This is my beautiful Madasan. She is what I call a natural beauty. She never over does the makeup or anything...she is just plain pretty.  (That is a grandmother speaking.) She is so busy these days I think she may be getting a little skinny. She plays softball, is practicing for a Powder Puff Football Game, practicing for basketball that starts in five weeks, works with her cows and horses, and still has time for all of her school work. Tonight she is of at the District Fair in Hope getting ready to show her animals on Saturday. Busy, busy!

She took off last Saturday to go look for a Homecoming dress. She was selected as the Jr. Football Maid so it is another royal blue dress for that event. I thought the one she wore last year would do...who would know the difference but that would never do so it was to New Boston, TX for a dress. They found it first thing and came home with this beautiful royal blue dress. Now she is all fixed up for the big day.
This is granddaughter #1. She is my first and very precious to me. I also find her very beautiful. This week she went from a blond to a brunette with highlights. I like it because it make her eyes really look so blue. She is also pretty busy...that is what she tell me. She works in the Financial Aid Office at Southern State and is working on her elementary education degree. I have mentioned that she has changed her major a zillion times and finally I think she has settled on the one I wanted her to do in the first place. She often text or calls me  telling me what she has cooked for supper or sends me pictures of Pinterest projects she has done.  It is so hard for me to realize that she is 22 and a grown woman. I had been married four years when I was 22 but with her she is still my baby. Guess it will always be that way since she was my first.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


The fair season has started and as usual the animals have been selected , groomed and made ready to show off. Madasan's heifer, Mowhawk and her bull Louie the Man, are expected to win some ribbons. Sad part is every kid that enters the Fair expects the same. 

The Howard County Fair got off to a start on September 10th so the animals had to be down there by the 11th. Mohawk and Louie the Man were ready to see what it was all about. Louie the Man had some experience because he was there last year but this was  Mowhawks first outing.  They were bathed, brushed and blow dried each day, just for fun...and finally Show Day came. Bright and early Thursday morning our Madasan was down at the Fair Grounds  to start the preparations for the day. She had both animals ready by 6:00 P.M. that  night to enter the ring.

A crowd began to gather around 5:00-5:30 P.M. and soon the fun started. It seems that there is every breed there to be judged and the Maine are always the last to show. Mowhawk went into the ring with a large number of other beautiful animals. The judge looked them over and started pulling them out to have a better look.  After looking at them and weeding some out he ended up with two...Mowhawk was one of the other heifers. We just knew she was the winner but low and behold the judge chose the other heifer and Mowhawk won Reserve Champion. (Madasan doesn't think she has won if she doesn't take the top prize.)

Now it was time for the bulls. Louie took the ring and there was another black bull that looked like he may have the qualities to compare with Louie. Once again the judge did his thing. Finally he was down to two again. He looked and he looked and finally presented Madasan and Louie the Grand Champion Ribbon. She was one happy girl. (Mom, Dad and Nonna were all pretty happy.)

On Saturday they had their Premium Sale and bidders come in and bid on their livestock. The money is given to the kids to help them pay for the feed and love and care they have given their animals during the year. Madasan did quite well.

Madasan brought her animals home Saturday night and let them enjoy home for a few hours. She knew (but they didn't know) that another trip was to be made on Sunday afternoon. They took the animals to the Four States Fair in Texarkana for the show on Monday. Nonna didn't get to attend this one but a text was sent as the day's activities went on about what was happening.

Once again Mowhawk didn't win but Hoss came out the big winner. Madasan's mom gets quite hot under the collar when Madasan's animals don't win. Her remark about the heifer that beat  Mowhawk was, "The heifer that beat her was some gosh awful looking Brangus that I wouldn't have!!!"

Louie and Mowhawk returned home late Monday afternoon and will rest up and be ready for the next big adventure. The District Fair in Hope and the AR State Fair are on the agenda for the next little trip. They will be ready.

Madasan is having some problems this year. She decided to play fall softball, is practicing basketball, enters Rodeo's every weekend possible and must keep up with her school work. So...her time is pretty filled up. On top of that she has to have some boyfriend time. Poor guy is often put on the back burner but then he plays football and stays pretty busy. (Would be nice if he showed cows and did a little Rodeoing.)