Friday, September 21, 2007


Madasan is my second granddaughter. She is eleven years old and in the sixth grade. She plays basketball and softball in the peewee program at the elementary school.

Madasan loves the farm and doing farm things with her dad. She had much rather be washing her livestock than sitting in class at school. Getting ready to show her cattle takes quite a bit of time. She feeds, walks, and grooms her livestock every day. After she and Sheyanne attended a grooming school they now clip thier livestock.

She entered a steer and two heifers in the Howard County Fair this year. Since Sheyanne was out with a hurt ankle she also had to show her cattle. When her livestock and Sheyanne's were both in the same division she had a friend help with the showing. Her steer and heifer won Supreme in the fair.
*This picture is of Madasan and her parents with her Purple Circle Awards. Her bull, Oscar, won Grand Champion Bull at the AR State Fair in 2006.

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