Suzanne and Madasan went shopping with me yesterday. We had lunch at Red Lobster and then headed out to the mall. I wanted Madasan to buy something at Dillard's to wear to church. She will not wear a dress so wears dress pants or skorts (Is that what those things are called that look like a skirt but are really big legged pants?)every Sunday.
We had this very determined sales lady and she just knew she could entice Miss Madasan into several cute little outfits but nothing seemed to do. She finally found a pair of brown dress pants and after trying about a gillion tops decided that one would do. She just was not interested in anything Dillard's had to offer. She was holding out for something better.
We then went over to Cavender's. Since she is my cowgirl this is her favorite shopping place. She was wanting a pair of boots. Her birthday is on Dec. 22 I had told her just how much I would spend on boots. Last year she really got to me and looking at those boots after a year of real wear I was not sure they were worth the asking price. She looked and couldn't find just what she wanted but when we entered the store she had already found just what she wanted. That is the shoes in the picture.
With all of the cute things she could choose from she just had to have these shoes. (flip flops) She wants them for her birthday present and will receive them on Dec. 22. Don't you think it might be a little cold for flip flops in Dec.?
The sad thing about this story is her mom is wanting a pair of these. We had a visitor today and Madasan showed them to her and asked her how much she thought they cost. She guessed $10-I wish!!!
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