Tuesday, March 20, 2012


This is the Bunco Babes that met at my house on March 15 to enjoy a good game of Bunco. I had prepared supper for the sixteen ladies and after eating we got with the rolling of the dice. We always have a ball and this night was no different.

This was the beginning of my birthday celebration. Three of us were having birthdays a day apart so we all got a cheery Happy Birthday sung to us.

On Saturday Suzanne called and said she would pick me up at 5:00 to have supper up at Kenya's. I got myself ready and sure enough she arrived at 5:05. I should have know something was up because she is never that early.

We arrived at Kenya's and there sat several family members and some of my friends waiting to surprise me. I was greeted with the birthday song and after the shock of all of these people being there I settled down and enjoyed a wonderful supper with these dear friends and family.

I turned 76 on March 17Th and feel so blessed to have such a good family and so many good friends.

1 comment:

B said...

LOL...I love your comment about arriving "early"!! Sounds just like me!