Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Suzanne, Kaci and Madasan at regionals. Madasan was so sick during this time. We had taken her to the doctor and nothing seemed be working. Finally, they discovered that she had a serious kidney problem. An infection had gone into her kidney and then into her blood stream causing her major problems. After a big shot and several antibiotics she started the recovery process. I had feared that she might have something real bad because of the way she felt and the way she looked. She was anemic and had so thyroid problems but the kidney problem was the thing that was causing her so much pain, fever and stress.

This is the first time our girls had gone to State since the 80's so it created a great deal of excitement in our little town. The parents and fans got together a party to send them on their way the night before the left. We had refreshments, a video and speeches to cheer them on their way. This was at the Methodist Fellowship Room.

Poor Madasan is being pampered by Kaci and her mom.
The team ready to play some basketball. They didn't win the big award but did well in the playoffs.  (If I had been able to go to the games I would have a much better account of the outcome but it it pretty duh around here today.)

Suzanne learned that some of her biological grandparents were buried near where Madasan was playing ball so after the game they went out searching. Sure enough she found them. One very strange thing was discovered. Her great-grandmother had the same birthday as my mother. May 15, 1915 was the date on her tombstone. Suzanne was sure that must have been a sign of some sort. 

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