Friday, October 16, 2009


My blog is becoming a collection of animals. I have bulls writing long post, dogs, cows having twins and horses but all of these critters are a part of my granddaughter’s life. Today I’m departing from the norm and showing you some of the fun stuff that has happened in our little town today. The rain has brought much excitement.

The 7 foot and 9 inch alligator was found in the Dierks Mill Yard this morning by two Weyerhaeuser employees. The AR Game and Fish Biologist came out to catch the big fellow. Biologist said the 200 pound gator was between 10-15 years old.

The next exciting thing the rain brought was the washed out road on the Dam Road. If the rain continues no telling what exciting news will develop in our little town.
My blog is becoming a collection of animals. I have bulls writing long post, dogs, cows having twins and horses but all of these critters are a part of my granddaughter’s life. Today I’m departing from the norm and showing you some of the fun stuff that has happened in our little town today. The rain has brought much excitement.

The 7 foot and 9 inch alligator was found in the Dierks Mill Yard this morning by two Weyerhaeuser employees. The AR Game and Fish Biologist came out to catch the big fellow. Biologist said the 200 pound gator was between 10-15 years old.

The next exciting thing the rain brought was the washed out road on the Dam Road. If the rain continues not telling what exciting news will develop in our little town.

My blog is becoming a collection of animals. I have bulls writing long post, dogs, cows having twins and horses but all of these critters are a part of my granddaughter’s life. Today I’m departing from the norm and showing you some of the fun stuff that has happened in our little town today. The rain has brought much excitement.

The 7 foot and 9 inch alligator was found in the Dierks Mill Yard this morning by two Weyerhaeuser employees. The AR Game and Fish Biologist came out to catch the big fellow. Biologist said the 200 pound gator was between 10-15 years old.

The next exciting thing the rain brought was the washed out road on the Dam Road. If the rain continues not telling what exciting news will develop in our little town.


My blog is becoming a collection of animals. I have bulls writing long post, dogs, cows having twins and horses but all of these critters are a part of my granddaughter’s life. Today I’m departing from the norm and showing you some of the fun stuff that has happened in our little town today. The rain has brought much excitement.

The 7 foot and 9 inch alligator was found in the Dierks Mill Yard this morning by two Weyerhaeuser employees. The AR Game and Fish Biologist came out to catch the big fellow. Biologist said the 200 pound gator was between 10-15 years old.

The next exciting thing the rain brought was the washed out road on the Dam Road. If the rain continues not telling what exciting news will develop in our little town.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Romeo left us but we continue to see him in the babies that are being born on the farm. This cow presented us with twins, a boy and a girl. They were enjoying a breakfast of warm milk this morning.



Saturday, October 03, 2009


Uncle Jerrel and Aunt Mildred

Every year my mother’s family has a reunion. She has one sister and one brother that remain out of ten children of Tom and Mary Green. They are in their eighties.

We had approximately 75 in attendance. Cousins came in from TX, LA, and OK.

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Madasan and her animals have done quite well this year.

She left the local county fair and traveled to the Four States Fair and Livestock Show. While there the little heifer, she won in the calf scramble last year, won the Calf Scramble Show and Oakie won Grand Champion Bull.

Today she showed in the District Fair at Hope. Oakie won Grand Champion Bull and the heifer (I’ve got to learn her name.) won Reserve Champion. Madasan won Showmanship out of 22 entries.

The next adventure will be to enter the Arkansas State Fair. We are hoping Oakie is able to take Madasan into the Purple Circle Club for the fourth time.