Thursday, January 29, 2009


On Tuesday we made preparations for an ice storm. We visited the grocery story, trimmed the lamps, bought batteries, got gas for the generator, gathered wood for the fireplace and got ready for the worst. Thankfully, it passed us by.

This morning, as I slumbered, I was jarred awake with an excited call from my daughter. I just had to jump out of bed and see how beautiful our woods were. Sure enough the trees were covered in a magnificent coating of white. The radio announcer said it was frozen fog but I’m not sure.

While enjoying my breakfast, with all of the drapes open, I watched beautiful, fluffy snowflakes drift down ever so gently. Here we are with all of God’s beauty so near and mine to enjoy. Then the sun came out. Life is good!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Madasan and Scarlett go out for a ride even when the temperatures are low.
The new 4H officers

Madasan plays point guard on the seventh grade team. (How about those socks?)

Seventh grade girls played at Nashville

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Car 1
Car 2

The glasses are on and this group is getting down to business.
Jeremy was helping Valentino but took time out to be our photographer.

My life is rather drab at times but on nights like tonight things really liven up. Julia, Iris, Rachel, Maxine, Suzanne, Marci, Carol, Nancy and I journeyed to Texarkana to have supper and see Twilight. Sue and Sally joined us for the outing and Betsy, her son and his girlfriend had supper with us but decided not to go to the movie. After a very good supper at Cracker Barrel we rushed on over to the movie where we met Sheyanne and Zack.

Some of us had read the Twilight Saga Series but some had not. Some liked the movie and some didn’t. (IRIS) It didn’t really matter because we had a ball just getting out together. There is nothing like being out with FUN people.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all who check out my blog during the year. I started this blog just to see if I could do it and it has become an addiction. When I go places everyone sees my camera and starts posing because they know they are making it on my blog. I love to show my beautiful granddaughters and all of their activities and the few activities that I get to participate in with my friends. I count my blessings each day because I consider myself very fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends.

We celebrated New Year’s Eve with a little party at Suzanne’s. I went to church and then returned to her house for pizza and many other good things to eat. Most of Brett’s family was there and Sheyanne’s boyfriend, Zack. Most of the entertainment came from the four young children in attendance.

I couldn't resist putting theses three pictures on the blog. Madasan and Sheyanne were showing off some of their Christmas gifts and Sheyanne never gets tired of hugging Zack. The first picture is of the new baby calf that was born. This baby doesn’t have a name yet but she was born to Madasan’s grand champion Maine Anjou cow, Hoppy and Sheyanne’s grand-champion Maintainer bull, Romeo. Madasan named the calf born last year around this time Frosty but she can’t decide what to name this one. I suggested Star because she came from two star parents but she doesn’t know yet.