Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Madasan has been practicing her goat tying. In this picture she is exhausted and so is the poor goat.

This is at the show in Hope. Her time is getting better since she is taking lessons from a girl in Brokenbow. Practice, practice...

This is another thing she enjoys so much. She runs the barrels and poles and is getting more confidence each show. This is her horse Scarlett.

Monday, March 22, 2010


As you can see we woke up Sunday morning to a light dusting of snow. It came during the night and was gone by noon. The weather man promised that it was coming but no one believed him. This was one time he was right. Beautiful while it lasted...


This is Jedidiah, the son of Lori and Josh. Jedidiah has a malignant tumor, rhabdomeyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. Please pray for him as he starts chemo following surgery. To read more about his condition click on his picture and it will take you to his mom's blog.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I had a great birthday celebration with my girls. Suzanne cooked me a delicious meal with red velvet cake and my gift was so beautiful. What would I do without my girls??

Friday, March 12, 2010


Saturday March 6. was a big day for Sheyanne. She received her letter of acceptance to nursing school. She will start the BSN program with UMAS at Hope on May 26. With this news she was completely beside herself.

On top of that great news she and some friends, who were also going into the nursing program, took off to Little Rock for the Lee Ann, Reba and George Show. They had supper at the Roadhouse and got over to Alltel Arena early. They were first in line to see George.

What a night! She didn't get home until after 3:00 a.m. but felt that it was so worth the trip. Oh to be young again!!!

Monday, March 01, 2010



The Jr. Lady Outlaws had a great season this year. They won some runner-up trophies but were not able to win the top award. They went to District and had to play Spring Hill. Spring Hill had beaten them earlier but in District the Jr. Lady Outlaws gave them a run for their money. Really there for a few minutes I thought for sure they had the game in the bag but a few mistakes and a FEW bad calls gave the Spring Hill team the win.

Madasan took a charge at the end of the first quarter and it pretty much ‘rang her bell’. After a brief rest, Coach Owens asked her if she felt like going back in and she did. She played the remainder of the game. During the first quarter of the Jr. Boy’s game she started feeling sick at her stomach. Shortly after that she started throwing up.

Sheyanne got a nurse to check her out and it was determined that she needed to go to the emergency room to check for a concussion. We took her to Nashville and she was able to see Dr. Ashbrook. He determined that she had a pretty bad concussion and should take it easy for a week. A CT scan determined that things were ok but had probably been shaken around because she continued to play in the game. After about four hours we departed the hospital and brought her home.

Since school was dismissed for winter break the next week she got plenty of time to recuperate. She took advantage of the doctor’s orders to take it easy. She didn’t leave the couch for a week. Poor Baby!