Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Iris, Nancy, Julia, Sue, Ann and I went out on the town tonight. We left the big city around 4:00 p.m. and traveled to Texarkana to see Julie and Julia. We had mixed reviews on the movie. Some of us didn’t think it was so hot and some loved it.

Iris was our driver and with the new highway work we had great fun finding our exit. She decided to take the route we knew instead of finding out if there was an exit closer to the theatre. After we got down to the turnoff to the movie we saw the new exit coming into our highway. Next time….

After the movie we had some discussion on where we wanted to eat. Some suggested a sandwich/salad place but the two old ones wanted something better so we went to the TX Roadhouse. We didn’t have to wait because they were closing at 8:00 p.m. for their eleven year anniversary. They started rolling up the rugs and cleaning before we finished. We decided we had better head home before our waiter got any friendlier. He especially liked one of our group.

We were entertained on our way down with one of Iris’s favorite Mike Snider CDs. How funny is that guy???

We missed some of our crew because of previous engagements. Maybe next time…

Here is a clip from the movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am impressed! You are so blessed to have fun-loving friends.

Thanks for coming by my blog today. I finally posted a "new" old journal entry. Hadn't posted anything since I finished the book.

Blessings, old friend!