Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010

If you live in my part of the world you take so many things for granted. For example Mother Nature got carried away with her paint brush this year. I am amazed at the beautiful colors of fall. Recently one of our local nature photographers (Greg M.) had several beautiful pictures of the Albert Pike and Cossatot Area on Facebook. I couldn’t resist letting other bloggers enjoy them. (Thanks Greg for the beautiful pictures.)
November always bring about another BIG event in Arkansas. DEER SEASON! This is one of the biggest happening around here. In anticipation of the coming season, energetic hunters put out food plots to entice the deer into certain areas. On the big day mothers, fathers, kids, etc., get out the orange and hit the woods. Some use dogs and others just sit and wait, often in elaborate tree stands, hoping to get the big one.
My two granddaughters have been seeing several deer on our property so their method is to sit and wait. Sheyanne got her eight point buck early in the morning and Madasan got her 9 point buck in the afternoon. As you can see from their pictures they were all smile.
This is one experience I have had in my life since the beginning. My father loved to hunt with dogs. Since this was his favorite method of hunting, his nick name was
“Driver”. I have listened to his stories and then after the boys got into the game the big hunt pretty well dominated the conversation at all gatherings. For some strange reason I didn’t catch the bug. I didn’t think it would be much fun to kill Bamba.
All of you that talk about Arkansas with all of our bugs, snakes, ticks, chiggers, etc., need to take a look at some of the beauty that completely outweighs those little critters.
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Madasan and Taryn bring the ball down.
The Junior Outlaws boys had their first win of the season tonight.
I didn't stay for the high school games. Gray's was calling me...
Saturday, November 06, 2010

When I was invited on this trip I declined the offer but was persuaded that I could handle it. In making that decision I ran across a quote by Mark Twain that motivated me to get on with life and do what I could while I could. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream, Discover.” I know I will not be around twenty years from now but my age and my health seem to be my bowlines that often keep me from doing some of the things I would like to do. So I decided to accept the challenge and go with the girls to see Wicked*. I’m so proud I did!!
Fifteen of us ended up going on this adventure. It was an outstanding performance. It was very uptown for a group of country girls.
Julia got this group together. Five of us traveled from Dierks and met ten others for the great outing.
We had supper at Mimi’s in Little Rock. The place was packed with hungry customers and our food was late so the rush was on. We left our befuzzled waiter, John, a generous tip but by passed his slow delivery of our checks and hurriedly departed the place in an effort to arrive at Robinson Auditorium by 8:00 p.m. Julia let us out at the front and she parked the vehicle. We made it just in time…
After the show we coaxed an innocent bystander to snap a few shots of our group. (While at Mimi’s we also met a nice lady that happily snapped a few photos of our group.)
It was around 11:30 when we got out of the building and loaded into our car for the trip home. With five ladies in the car you can expect the necessity of a bathroom break before we got very far. We also made a late night visit to Krispy Kream. The Krispy Kream put the finishing touch on an exciting adventure.
Being the oldest in the group should make me feel old and decrepit but with this group of ladies I always come home rejuvenated. I sailed away from the safe harbor and believe me I caught the trade winds in my sails and soared. It was a great night!
*Wicked captivated our little group. It was the Wizard of Oz prequel story about a green woman coming of age in Oz. It was a moving tale of two witches and a dazzling green themed spectacle.
Monday, November 01, 2010

Many years ago different names were suggested but the strength of an Outlaw horse is what was decided upon. Mrs. Mattie Mae told me that there was a big conflict over the selection of our mascot and the school colors. She said one suggestion was Lumber Jacks and green and yellow because we were a lumber town. Along the way purple and gold and the Outlaw horse was selected. Back in the late 50's or early 60's the colors were changed to blue and white. I remember one coach wanted to change because purple faded so badly.
For years other school would visit our campus and have outlaws hanging from the goal post like real shoot 'em up outlaws. An early story did exist that said we our coach would pick up young men working at the mill and out of school to fill in when the team could not suit up enough students. They were often called a pack of outlaws. Many, many stories exist about the early teams but finally in the 70's our Student Council decided to order a large black horse to stand guard at the entrance to our school and represent the Outlaw Spirit that exist among our students.
I remember the day the big package arrived and how excited we were. My Student Council and I had to decide where we wanted to put our horse. Some wanted to put a fence around him to keep people from being able to deface him but the big discussion was you can't fence in an Outlaw so the fence was out. We decided to put him down by the gym so as students drove up the hill to school they would see him and people could see him from the highway. He stood there until the new high school was build and then he was moved to the new school.
Through the years he has been defaced by opposing teams but never nothing very drastic. I remember the very first time he was defaced was by someone that used white spray paint to spray his private manhood parts. The Outlaws got very angry and won the next few games.
As his body gave in to the many years of weather he started deteriorating. He received many coats of paint and finally he was resurfaced with plastic but still his body was becoming brittle and finally his right foot broke off.
Years after I had retired I got a call wanting to know where I ordered the horse from. I couldn't remember but I did remember hanging on to the literature as long as I was at school but had destroyed it instead of handing it along to someone else. I think they found a company that made another horse or repaired the original and he looks great.
As you can see from the photo some students from Mineral Springs decided he needed to be decorated so they spray painted and toilet papered him. I fear that this will bring some retaliation by our students. I'm not sure about taking out their revenge on the field because we have had a pretty bad season. But let me assure you that most Outlaw fans don't take messing with their mascot lightly.
This little poem was on the wall of the old field house and I would almost guarantee that is has found its place in the new one. A former student wrote it and all Outlaw football players are aware of its existence.
Cost hours of hard work,
Gallons of seat, drops of blood
A mile of dedication, a ton of heart,
A chest full of courage, a body
Racked in pain, and a mind overflowing
with perseverance.
This is what it takes to be an Outlaw,
Because inside every true OUTLAW beats
The heart of a Champion!!*