Saturday, November 29, 2008



Suzanne, Madasan and I went to visit my mother-in-law, Big Mama. Big Mama still lives alone. She doesn't hear or see so well but she is still very alert and seems to be a very contented person. I think she takes one blood pressure pill and that is it.

Brett had bought a pig and had it butchered. The place the butchered the pig cut it up and packaged the meat for the freezer. There was two packages of liver and Suzanne didn't want it, I didn't want it so we called Big Mama. She wanted it! So we took the liver and several other things to her. Most of what we took was from the freezer and the rest was left over from Thanksgiving.

I noticed that as she put things in the freezer she didn't just stick it in there she placed it so she would remember where she put the different items. She doesn't see very well at all and I know she was memorizing the location of each thing.

After getting everything put away we visited for a while. She told us all about the ball games that were played Friday night. She listens to ballgames on the radio and watches them on the television. She never has the sound turned on on her television. She just watches and doesn't listen.

I think it is so great to grow old so gracefully. Big Mama never complains about her vision, her health, her hearing problem or anything. She seems to be completely happy. How nice that must be at age 91.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing Big Momma Mattie brings back so many good memories. She has always loved Hariol. So glad she is doing well. Love, Edna