Monday, December 27, 2010


Tuff is still sick. He has tick fever and his Christmas was partly spent in the hospital. He is taking strong meds but continues to feel bad.

This is me and my precious daughter, Suzanne. She continues to brighten my life since she entered it in 1969.

This is Christmas night. Sheyanne is having so much fun trying to get all of us into the picture. Goofy bunch but oh, how I love them.

My two granddaughters really light up my life. They make me feel so special. I am so thankful to have these two lovely young ladies as my granddaughters.

These ladies are my sister-in-laws. I think my brothers did a great job of selecting wives. Jo is Ronnie's wife, Jeanna is Richard's wife, Jacque is Danny's wife and Paula is Tom's wife. (We lost Danny and Tom a few years back.)

These are the great-grand-kids of my mom and dad. Eight are missing because of previous arrangements. (Halton didn't want to corporate in the picture taking.)

These are the grandchildren of my mom and dad. Four were not able to attend the festivities.
This is my remaining two brothers. Ronnie is very ill and just today I received word that he is in intensive care with congestive heart problems.

We had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. I regret that everyone didn't get to attend the festivities because everything was so nice. Sonia and Kevin served as our host this year and everything turned out just great.

It seems that the season has brought with it so many health problems. Ronnie just can't seem to get to doing better and I worry so about him.

One of my very dear friends, Hariol, just got a very serious diagnosis and will be undergoing some major treatments in the near future. Hariol was one of the people that helped me the most when my husband was so sick. He was truly a life saver! Edna, his wife is a dear friend and has always been there for me.

Another dear friend, Helen, is suffering greatly with the health of her daughter. She has left her home to assist with the care of her daughter. My prayers are with her each day for the struggles this family is experiencing.

We have so much to be thankful for even with the sickness and heartache surrounding us. This time of the year brings back all of those lovely memories of times past. We remember those loved ones that have gone on before us but we also look forward to what the future holds for us in the coming year.

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